A friendly reminder: Attention Republican Voters in Cheltenham Township, Jenkintown Borough & Springfield Township: I will be mounting a Write-In Campaign for State Representative in the 154th Legislative District. I will need at least 300 Write-In Votes either at the upcoming Primary Elections next Tuesday, 23 April 2024 or on Mail-In Ballots that you should be receiving soon.
Here’s what you will need to do.
On your Primary Ballots locate the office titled “Representative in the General Assembly 154th District”
STEP 1: Fill in the oval
STEP 2: Write-In “Thom Estilow” in the space
We have prepared handouts for your Republican family members, friends & neighbors to get out the word. Primary Election Day is only a week away.
If we do not obtain over 300 Write-In Votes in the Primaries we will only have a Democrat on our Ballots in November.
If you would like handouts please contact me at Chair@CheltenhamGOP.Org and I will drop them at your home.
I will be grateful for you support! Thank you!
Good luck, Thom
Thank you, Ken!